#5: How AI is Helping (and Hurting) Marketers
If you’re a marketer, you’ve probably been wondering lately... is AI going to replace my role? In this episode, we’re diving into how artificial intelligence is helping (and hurting) marketing professionals.
Mel, a marketer herself, and Chase discuss:
• Why marketers should learn how to use AI as soon as possible
• Using AI to create a more personalized customer experience
• Cautionary tales about using AI-generated content for SEO
• Leveraging AI and CRM capabilities to enhance marketing campaigns
• Why original content is the new king
Have a question or topic on AI or automation that you want to learn more about? We’re all ears—literally 🎧
Shoot us an email and let us know what we should talk about next: thejunction@venntechnology.com
Mel, a marketer herself, and Chase discuss:
• Why marketers should learn how to use AI as soon as possible
• Using AI to create a more personalized customer experience
• Cautionary tales about using AI-generated content for SEO
• Leveraging AI and CRM capabilities to enhance marketing campaigns
• Why original content is the new king
Have a question or topic on AI or automation that you want to learn more about? We’re all ears—literally 🎧
Shoot us an email and let us know what we should talk about next: thejunction@venntechnology.com