#11: AI Safety: What Its Creators are Afraid of

#11: AI Safety: What Its Creators are Afraid of

Welcome to the junction.

Chase I'm really excited to talk about AI today.

There's been so much stuff hitting, like

left and right, left and right.

One of the things that I'm excited about

today, because we're talking about safety, which is

not like, you know, I'm about compliance.

You're in the Safe Patrol in fifth grade, weren't you?

I was a crosswalk.

Like, I did the crosswalk leader thing

and he had the little badge.

Yeah, well, it was more like a vest.

Like a reflective vest.

Safety, obviously. Yeah.

Anyway, so you linked me out to

this somebody in our AI committee here.

Internally linked out.

This was it.

The Hard Fork podcast. Oh, yeah.

With Dario emodai.

I'm going to say that wrong.

He used to work at OpenAI.

He peeled off with a group of people from OpenAI.

They started their own company, AI company, Anthropic.

Anyway, what I thought was interesting about his story and

the kind of the mission behind Anthropic is the creators

of this AI stuff, they're like, afraid of it.

And so we've talked a lot on this podcast about how

people can use it and the end users of it.

We haven't really spent much time talking about these

inventors and the people behind the scenes, the people

building it and what their take is, because I

think there's two very clear let's move.

Let's get it out there.

It's the move fast, break things.

We'll get through it.

And then there's the no.

We need to be really cautious and

make sure we keep it contained. Yeah.

So initial thoughts on AI safety and where do

you sit on I really enjoyed that podcast because

that episode well, I enjoyed the podcast too.

But Dario's thoughts are he mentions quite a few

things that you personally probably haven't heard of before.

The average person hasn't probably heard of before.

He talked about this constitution.

He talked about anxiety around

building out these things.

I mean, he does have a very extensive

vocabulary, let's just put it that way.

I was breaking out my Sat word list.

I pride myself on knowing a fair amount

of large words in the English language.

And he was taking me to school. That must be that

Princeton Stanford education background.

Clearly educated, very intelligent.

But I did appreciate his take on

having an anxiety about these things.

So I'm going to pull out a quick analogy.

I'm thinking of, like, when people first

started making the air pressure hammers, right?

Like the nail guns.

If you don't know what a nail

gun is, you click the nail gun. Wow.

I've installed trim in my channel.

Yeah, big fan.

I have a Brad nailer, so I feel, like super buff

when I go, well, the Brad nailer is better for trim.

Right. Things like that.

But that's really the only one I've ever used, because when

I want to buy a nail gun, I want the best.

I want the thing that's

actually the most efficient, right?

And so what's really interesting about this analogy that

I'm running with is that we had a hammer.

We knew what it did, then they made the nail

gun, and now I can hammer 100 times faster, right?

Like, what these guys are building,

we already have the hammer.

And in this lame analogy, the hammer is the individual,

the person that can hammer out code or write a

paper or do whatever, and he's building the nail gun

that can do it 100 times faster.

Well, okay, I can nail 100 times faster. Cool, whatever.

Not a big deal.

I mean, it was back in the day, but now

he's building, and these teams are building out basically, I

might get roasted in social media one day for this,

but they're building out human they're replicating human intelligence that

can now operate 24 hours a day.

And I can spin up 100 of those.

I can build out copies among copies, among copies, and now

I can instantly build out an entire workforce that goes and

conquers, I don't know, a set of tasks for me.

So to stop and think about this idea of safety

is with the nail gun, it was like, well, we

got to be careful that we don't can't literally use

it as a gun and start shooting people with nails. Right?

But in this AI model, with these large language

models, you don't really think about it in terms

of like, okay, well, I can get on chat

GPT and I can type something out. Right?

Well, the efficiency behind that is, how

fast can you type to chat GPT? Right?

I don't know, 100 words per minute?

140, whatever. It is.

Where people start to kind of lose track of

what the possibilities are and where that anxiety is

coming from on these teams is at some point,

you don't need to type anymore.

You can just ask them, hey, go build

a salesforce managed plugin that does this thing.

Well, now the AI can go and replicate itself to

start working on separate tasks and within moments have 25

different agents working on it and complete it in, I

don't know, one 10th of the amount of time that

it would take you and I don't know, ten other

people to build out, meet, figure things out.

That's wild. Get the code running. Right.

And so we only think about this idea of,

well, GPT, right, is only as fast as I

can type, but these guys are thinking beyond that.

What if they had 1000 agents?

What if they had 10,000 agents?

All of that is, in theory, possible right now.

They could spin up, and they probably do

have some level of replication even in Chat

GPT to ensure that it can serve everybody.

But people don't really think about that.

This idea that, well, I'm only as fast as

I can type, and now this AI can come

in and triplicate just insane amounts of efficiency to

tackle problems that we haven't been able to tackle

before we bring the original thought to it. Right.

I mean, I just shared something today on slack

around kind of HubSpot's analysis of SEO in 2023

and how AI and Google what's changing.

And one of the things that keeps

coming up and you've brought this up

in multiple episodes, is the authenticity, right?

And that's always been a lever

in SEO that it measures for.

But instead of kind of trying to rank

for those questions, like, what is an integration

that can be generated by AI? Oh, yeah, right.

So really harnessing those things that you

or your company uniquely knows and having

a voice that's going to be elevated. Right.

One of the things that they covered in this

podcast going back to that, that was new to

me, is this concept of constitutional AI.

So can we unpack that a little bit?

Because I think it could be a powerful thing.

And I have some questions for you how it might

be used, because they're out there testing it and talking

about it on maybe more of a corporate global scale.

But I'm sitting here thinking about, okay, how

could me as a marketing leader use that?

How could a financial CFO use it?

So anyway, can we unpack first off, what is

this constitutional AI and why is it important?

Why should we care?

One of the things that people are trying to figure out

how to do with AI is how do I get it

to make essentially some level of decisions for me so I

don't have to check every single thing that it does.

If you're working with Chat GBT,

I mean, you're reviewing the content.

Maybe you're saying, hey, can we adjust this?

Can we do that?

Let's maybe go in this direction.

And the idea of the Constitution is at the very least,

it would try to abide by some level of rules, right?

We've got freedom of speech in America.

Well, if somebody says something you don't like, everybody

kind of goes back to that Bill of Rights.

He or she can say whatever they want.

You can talk about any of the other

pieces of that, any of the amendments, right?

And everybody kind of knows and has this underlying theme

of, well, these are kind of the rules, right?

We have to follow these rules.

And if we don't, then we're probably going to

get in some kind of trouble, whether it's with

the law or somebody's going to disagree with me.

And this idea of having a constitutional

AI is a similar thought that they

would follow some kind of rules, right?

So if we give the AI to make some level of

decision or some level of determining, like a yes or no,

right, it could be that these rules are a lot more

basic, like, I don't know, I'm making something up.

We would never approve an AP bill.

We would never automatically approve an AP

bill from this industry type right.

Or at this amount, or at this more you see this

a lot more kind of in just general approval processes.


But at the end of that approval process is

a human that's saying yes or no, or the

rules are pushing it to the right person.

This constitutional AI idea is that it

would automatically approve the bill based on

the rules that are defined.

And there is some level of this already

kind of in these systems, but it kind

of goes a little bit deeper than that. Right.

Kind of something where it's not

a logical yes or no statement. Right.

AP bills are a lot easier to be logical about.

Perhaps it's like somebody is doing too

much work, and we need to determine,

should the AI do something about that. Right.

Mel logged in at 08:00 at night.

Well, if the AI is looking at her work, should it

or should it not consider that she was working late?

I don't know.

It seems kind of, like, irrelevant almost.

But so does not that freedom of speech

is irrelevant, but it's just so much in

the background of our life right.

That it's not like, well, whatever

Chase says is good or bad.

Well, as long as he doesn't say anything, like,

really bad, then it's not really a big deal.

So I don't know.

It's really tough to really define a constitutional

AI Bill of Rights because everybody just goes

back to something logical, like, well, don't do

that, and it's okay to do this.

It's more of like but that's the human feedback. Right.

And so I think what's interesting about the

constitutional knowledge and what you just described is

that human feedback doesn't scale well.

So that's where Dario brought this up. Right.

He talked about the contractors.

It was like a thousand contractors that they

would hire to evaluate responses and validate yes

or no based off this level of feedback. Right.

So now you're able to, in some

ways, replicate what Chase deems as. Right.

So I think that's where it really got me

thinking about kind of applying that to the workplace.

Obviously, this is used with tons

of data, all of these things.

When we talk about training, we've talked about how you

need, I don't know, hundreds is not the right word.

Thousands of cases, whatever.

The thing is, whatever the data is that you're

training on, you need a lot of it.

But being able to set kind of some

guardrails or principles around what you're doing.

So whether that's industry standards or departmental

code or principles, I think that could

be really powerful, especially if you are

in a particularly regulated industry. Yeah.

Well, here's the take on the constitutional AI.

It's this idea that another version or a copy of

the AI will assess the work of version one right.

Or the first copy.

And it's this constitution.

So there's kind of like a feedback loop.

Yeah, the rules. Right.

Because what people are doing right now is

to train the AI, like you said, they're

saying, yes, this fits the Bill of Rights.

No, this doesn't fit the Bill of Rights.

Or on a scale of one to

ten, which side are we aligned on?

Well, if you have to have 1000 contractors look

at the data to train the model, 1000 contractors

are going to want some money for their time.

But if you have another version of the AI,

do something similar, well, now it can kind of

have its own feedback loop and potentially call out

areas where, hey, we don't really know.

The AI says, I don't really know.

Slip this one edge case out to Mel. Right.

Mel, what do you think about this?

And so you can then have multiple versions of

the AI looking at the responses and kind of

have, like, a board of directors almost right.

To look at different facets.

And each version of that AI

can be focused on privacy right.

On data integrity, on whatever, I

mean, really, whatever you dream up.

But it is this idea that somebody's

going to have to review the work.

And if it has to be a human,

well, now we're talking about limited time.

They've got a life.

They want to have a work life, balance, all that.

But if we hand it over to AI to double check

itself and the level of decisions that it is making are

not materially impactful to your business, then, sure, why not?

Let's do it.

Well, this stuff is obviously

they're still experimenting with it.

He was talking today about, or at least on the episode, I

don't know when it came out, maybe in the last week.

He's talking about how he still doesn't think it's going

to be released for another year or two years.

What is their language model called?

They have one.

Well, Anthropic has one that's

currently out there today.

Not Chad, is it Chad?

No, Claude. Claude.

I knew it was something a little yeah. With a C. Yeah.


He said that what they're currently working on with

the constitutional AI is probably a year to two

years away, which is insane to me because things

are changing so rapidly day to day. Yeah.

I think they have kind of versions of constitutional

AI just built out as rules, like don't answer

a question on how to build a bomb.

Those are just basic rules of analyze the text.

Is this about something illegal? Don't respond.

He was referring to he used a phrase called jailbreak.


Is that a kind of industry term word, jailbreak?

I think back to the original iPhone days when

you could side load an alternative app store.

Not that you've ever tried this.

I feel like on a spectrum of who would be

the most likely to jailbreak Mel, it certainly not Jace.

You are the one out there sending the prompts

jailbreaking and then I'm just here for the feedback.

Yeah, it's funny you say that.

He said that they need people like you.

He called you like something red.

I don't want to be the oppenheimer guy that's

know, building the tech and then destroys the know.

We'll get to that in a minute.

I kind of want to talk about the parallels there.

Yeah, I forget where I was going.

The oh, the Constitutional piece, right.

Is they've got a bunch of

rules and that's happening now.

You can see this in a lot of the Chat

bots where they say as a language, large language model,

I can't when you see that it's triggering some rule,

something you've asked is triggering some rule.

What the Constitutional AI is about is when there is

no human asking, how do I do something illegal?

It's when the Chat bot is solving a problem.

That problem is deterministic in value and should

be put up against some level of rules

to determine if it should move forward.

So I think what he's saying is basically we need to

hone in on that second version of the AI to be

the board of Directors, to really get that downright before we

can release these agents, to kind of be semi autonomous.


Right now, it's very much like type a question, get an

answer, or send it in an API call, get a response.

The next thing that's going to happen is

nobody is going to be they're going to

send in one chat or one prompt. Right.

Or they're going to send in one API call, and then these

agents are going to go off and do a bunch of stuff.

And that's where the anxiety comes up because

we have some level of human intelligence that

is off doing its own thing.

And if we just let it run, we don't

know fully a, how it does what it's doing,

and B, what it's actually going to do.

Now, for the most part, there's not a ton

of worry right now because when you do let

it run, you do have to prompt it.

You do have to manipulate respond.

You have to feed it.

You have to have that feedback loop. Right.

No, you literally have to feed it.

I started Envisioning as they were

talking about feeding the AI.

Did you grow up with

the little, like, Tomagotchi Digimon? Yes.

There were different variations. Right.

And I had a keychain of them.

Pokemon was like the I feel like one of the original

you had to feed them and then they would die.

And that was the original cell

phone back in elementary school.

Yeah, we had to put them away in our backpack because

I'm just saying I'm dating myself a little bit there.

But it was interesting kind of just that visual of

like what you're saying in the present state, many of

these things are not just off or running, and they're

going to go build companies and weapons of mass destruction

that then cause the world to go extinct.

That is some people's long term fear, right.

However, they need to be fed.

And there's this feedback loop and it's

not out in the wild per se.

The biggest thing you need to worry about is when

that feedback loop is perfected and you can tell it

to go do something significant at the moment in time.

It can do that well, then it

can really do just about anything.

And not that it will do it well, but

the fact that it can do it in all

and self improve itself and change that method or

process, that's where people should maybe, I don't know,

start worrying about the end game stuff, right?

And that's where I think

Dario is being really judicious.

And I don't know, I think it's admirable to be

able to have the knowledge and the teams and the

resources to build this type of technology, but then also

be aware of the power that it has.

Well, it's funny you say that.

I think my I call it the P prime.

The probability that the world will be

destroyed or some kind of crazy event.

I don't have a P number.

But the scenario where I think that is most

likely to happen is some level of this feedback

loop is going to figure out how to basically

make billions of dollars on the stock market.

Because right now you can build trading bots.

They call it algo trading, algorithm trading.

And everybody is constantly searching for like, well, if I

did it like this, then I can do that.

And based on some back testing, I

can make a lot of money.

Well, all of that they're doing.

They're looking at historical data.

They're doing things that these AI programs can do.

And when they perfect it or when they're

ready to launch it, they just turn the

program on and it starts trading real dollars.

I was actually literally playing around last night

trying to think through like, well, how could

OpenAI or how could anthropic, how could some

level of AI have a feedback loop inside

of the very logical decisions in stock trading?

The moment they figured that out, that's

when you start worrying about your 401K

or wherever your investments are.

That's where the regulation comes in to an extent.

I know that you can unleash this stuff out there, but

that would, I think, be some of the objective of urging.

I mean, Dario and his team are kind

of on the forefront of going to legislation

and speaking out about these types of things.

This is exciting, it's powerful, but he's created a

culture of anxiety to an extent, within anthropic.

They're very concerned about the there's this term

that they referred to, EAS something altruism.

Is it existential?

It's a movement that they refer to in the

podcast about really it's not just being able to

have the technology and throwing it out there.

But it's like thinking above and beyond.

Like, what is the impact?

What is the impact to the human element, human society?

And it just goes back to

that kind of responsibility of mankind.

And he did claim, he's not necessarily

doesn't claim to be necessarily an active

member of the community of that movement.

But again, if we don't have people out there advocating

for safe, responsible use of AI, then these types of

things, well, you're always going to have people that do

illicit, illegal, they're going to do the most greedy thing

because that's just a part of human nature. Right.

So I do appreciate the take that they're

going that Sam Altman, that these guys were

in front of Congress, that we're trying at

least, at the very least thinking about it. Right, sure.

And if we can put in those roadblocks the Constitution,

the rules, the logic, hopefully we have created a timeline

where we've got at least multiple years to figure this

out rather than it being like three months away.

Because if it's three months away, might all well go

to the beach in Mexico and call it a day

because the world's about to go to hell. Yeah.

Without these conversations, you don't talk about the

actually, this I had a role years ago

where there was a surge of what was

referred to as digital multimedia evidence.

So I don't know if you remember when

they started equipping police officers with body cameras.

Oh, yeah.

And I was working for a company

that was building technology for local county

government, prosecutor case management systems, court case

management systems, law enforcement technology solutions.

And one of the very it was kind of

like this AI discussion at the time was, well,

how are we going to store it?

Because a lot of them at the time, these agencies,

they maybe only kept it for a certain period of

time, or they kept it forever because of a certain

statute of limitations or not didn't exist.

So there was this huge anxiety around we've got access to

all this incredible DME, not to mention the body camera on

the officer, but the cell phone of the person.

That was kind of the bystander, oh yeah, and they

have to collect that and they have to store it

until and decide, are we going to go to trial?

We're going to push on this forever.

And there were multimillion dollars worth of impact

to some of these local counties, and so

they really had to open up the discussion

to understand it and solve for it.

No one really had the answer, but our company

at the time invited local leaders to come and

just, let's open this thing up, let's unpack it.

I think that's what we're trying to do here with

this podcast is let's kind of surface some of the

things that we're seeing and hopefully get some feedback in

other areas that we're not, along with this agent idea.

We're very close.

We're like on the precipice, we're on the edge

of the cliff, whatever analogy you'd like to utilize,

but we're on this edge of a cliff where

something very big is going to happen.

And if you're not prepared for it or

you don't know how you're going to respond,

you're going to be left behind.

Because the moment I can spin up ten agents to go

accomplish something that you are selling your client for, right, for

$1,000, I'm now going to be doing it in one 10th

of the time and maybe charging them less money.

I can decimate an entire market

segment if I have that capability.

I don't know.

People are like, yeah, whatever, Chase.

That's never going to happen.

But that's what these guys are thinking through, right?

They're anxious about that level of power

that they're going to have that they're

going to unleash to everybody, right.

And you're talking about just like, one county,

but we're talking about the entire world.

It's like this whole level of what yeah,

and that's where things get a little like,

okay, that's really never going to happen.

I don't believe in that.

But it is happening.

It's going to happen.

I can see in these open source movements,

people that are pushing in this direction, and

they are some level of success.

They're having some level of success.

The point is that if they can do it at

all, if it can do it at all, at some

point, it's going to get really good at it.

And that's when you need to worry.

So we're having this discussion.

Oppenheimer just came out in theaters, and

Scientific American put out this article.

Oppenheimer offers us a fresh warning of AI's danger.

So they're kind of comparing the parallels of

unleashing this AI beast into the world, putting

a juxtaposition to the nuclear bomb.

Do you think that that is

an appropriate comparison or analogy?

I think it is.

I mean, you think about the nuclear bomb.

You think about nuclear power in general, right.

It had and continues to have a substantial impact on

the entire world, not leaving out World War II.

Take in the current events, right.

Like, everybody is always on this verge of world destruction,

and the only thing that's stopping anybody from doing it

is because you too also have a nuclear bomb.

These are the things that Oppenheimer was worried about, is

like, well, if you have the power to kill the

world, and I have the power to kill the world,

what do you all do about that?

Those are the things that he was thinking about.

And in that moment in time, 1945 is the

actual year that I think this all came about.

But in that moment in time, they weren't really

worried about, is the world going to be completely

obliterated because at that point in time, there's a

world power that's just taking all of Europe.

I can understand some of the decisions that were made

to continue on with this level of technology that basically

flew over and above and beyond the level of technology

that the Nazis had, that all of Europe had, right?

And basically they swooped in and came up with this

technology that could change the path of the entire world.

And that's what Oppenheimer was worried about.

Not that we would build a bomb

and we'd go blow stuff up, right.

Like we already had bombs they were

bombing know, every night right now.

I mean, this article cites that researchers last year asked

Generative AI to design new chemical weapons, and it came

up with 40,000 potential weapons in 6 hours.

That's terrifying. Wow.

What can be used for good can be used for bad, right?

We've talked about that.

So I think we've covered a lot

of ground today in terms of safety.

And again, just such an interesting if you are interested in

hearing what the CEO of Anthropic had to say, go over

and listen to the Hard Fork podcast from July 21.

Very interesting discussion.

And I think it's, like I said, quite

admirable that they're trying to be responsible about

how they roll this technology out to people.

And I love seeing the new, I would say

smaller scale AI things that are coming out.

Like, I discovered a little plugin for Premiere Pro

that has the ability to quickly cut frames. Right.

That's something that I don't see as harmful. Right.

It's a very focused, specific use case.

But these huge models that we're talking

about and that these companies are outbuilding

and you're right, they're thinking years ahead. Right.

I'm just wondering when you're going to break out

the safety vest so we can make sure people

know that we're you know, I can probably track

down a picture of that from grade school.

I'll have to now you have to my mama tags.

Where's that you would, like, write that down right now and

then post it on the Socials so people can see it.

Yeah, we should do it.

Now that I've said it, we got to do it.

Okay, deal. All right, Chase.

Well, thank you so much for the awesome discussion.

As always, we would love to hear from our audience.

Email us your take at thejunction@bendtechnology.com certainly

if you have an opinion on it.

Either way, we want to know.

If you have questions, are there

other topics we should cover?

We are here for it.

Until next time, keep it automated. Keep it automated.

Episode Video

Creators and Guests

Chase Friedman
Chase Friedman
I'm obsessed with all things automation & AI
Mel Bell
Mel Bell
Marketing is my super power